Missing More Than One Tooth

Treatment Preparation:

The success in implant treatment is all down to the planning. Every patient is given a full itemised plan following detailed clinical records of Intra-oral x-rays, study models, photographs and for some cases a CBCT 3-D scan. For restoration of larger spaces, we use the models and make a wax mock-up of where the new teeth need to go and how they will look. This is then used to plan where to place the implants.

Our treatment plan is made with the patient’s best interest in mind and every case requires a tailored consultation that patients find really reassuring to understand treatment modalities, time frames and how implants are suited to them.

Treatment Process:

A surgical procedure is required to place the implants in the planned positions. As in any implant case, a bone graft is commonly used if required, to ensure full support for the implant long term.

The implants are left for up to three to six months before making the new teeth to be fixed to them. At the front of the mouth, when we are aiming to achieve beauty and lovely contours of the gums around the teeth, we make a provisional bridge first. This already feels like normal teeth but allows time for the gums to settle and the patient to know for sure how they want their teeth to look.

The final bridge is then made and fitted to the implants.

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